Looking for a Florist for Your Occasion?

White marsh florist

The U.S. florist industry is booming because, let’s face it, there are always reasons for flowers! Just take a look at how much we spend on flowers at some of the most popular times of the year: Men on Valentine’s Day buy about 73% of the flowers, and on Mother’s Day, $1.9 billion is spent on flowers for our mothers. And let’s just take a moment to talk about how much people appreciate flowers: 99% of people say that someone who gives flowers is thoughtful. Another 83% says that they love to receive flowers unexpectedly. We are a nation of giving.

How Much the Flower Industry Has Grown

Are you seeking the best Baltimore Florist in the business? We have you covered for every occasion. The florist industry generates about $7 billion in revenue every single year. From 2009 to 2014, the industry grew significantly. Every year, it would grow about .06% and continues to, to this day. Across the U.S., you will find an estimated 36,613 florists to choose from.

We Know Our Flowers

So why choose us for things like wedding bouquets, funeral flowers, Mother’s Day bouquets, and more? We offer these arrangements at the best price you will find on today’s market. To the bride in need who is looking for inexpensive wedding flowers, she can come in that day and find the bouquet that works for her for a price that makes her happy. For the grieving son, he can come in and find funeral flowers for his mother’s funeral and know that it was something that would have made her smile. For the man who hasn’t forgotten his loved one on Valentine’s Day, and isn’t sure what to pick up as a last-minute gift, he can give her something that she will always remember. In fact, statistics show that 92% of women fully remember the last time they received flowers.

No matter what type of occasion you are planning for, flowers symbolize various things to us in America: from love, to friendship, to grief. We can suit all your needs with a variety of great choices.

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