Three Reasons To Invest in Some Custom Clothing

School spirit gear

If you’ve never thought about getting company apparel, school t-shirts, or some other kind of custom-made apparel, here’s three reasons to think about it now:

  • Custom Clothing Brings People Together There’s a reason that armies wear uniforms, and while no one is suggesting everyone at your company wear a uniform, getting some custom company apparel, even just t-shirts, for special events like a picnic or awareness day can be unifying and energizing, helping to build the corporate culture you’re looking for. The same is true of schools, where school spirit can be amplified by school pride clothing for special events. Principals, 89% of them, believe they need to personally build school spirit because doing so is closely tied to student achievement. School spirit wear is one way to do that.
  • Apparel Fundraising Can Really Work Selling t-shirts or other custom apparel is a great way to fundraiser. This is especially useful for schools, where in at least 34 states funding has dropped since the Great Recession. Fundraising product programs for schools net $1.4 billion every year, which is used for things like team uniforms, computer labs, playground equipment, and fields trips. As for businesses, selling corporate custom apparel can also be a way to get everyone at work donating to charity together, which not only does good, but builds camaraderie in the office. The results aren’t negligible, either. The average fundraiser gets more than $3,000 for a school or non-profit, and last year fundraisers were able to donate goods to charities in the amount of $4.8 million.
  • Custom T-shirts Can Promote Your School or Brand Outfitting the office with company apparel when they take part in charity events is a great way to inspire your employees, build a corporate culture of giving, and promote your brand at the same time. Research says that about 64% of Millennials like to fundraise through events where they walk, run, or cycle. Consider outfitting them with custom t-shirts, jackets, or even water bottles. It’s also a great idea to sponsor youth athletic teams with uniforms and team shirts, which helps the teams and kids and is good advertising as well.
  • Whether you’re thinking about fundraising, advertising, or bringing a group of people together, custom made apparel is one great way to accomplish these goals.

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