Given the fact that there is an entire industry for weddings, it’s not surprising that there are also spinoffs industries like anniversary gifts. With 50 percent of marriages ending in divorce, an anniversary is a valuable thing to celebrate. Dating back to the Roman Empire, husbands crowned their wives with a silver wreath on their 25th anniversary and a golden one for their 50th. Could this be the origins of anniversary stones?
The ultimate anniversary gift for Americans comes only once you’ve reached your 50th anniversary. You can request an anniversary greeting from the President for any wedding anniversary on or after your 50th. Getting there is half the fun, but you can’t wait that long to celebrate the years you’ve been with your spouse. That’s where anniversary stones do double duty. Gemstones are beloved by both genders, making them an idea jewelry item. But anniversary stones come in three stone types, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Using sandblasting techniques to shape, smooth, and alter stone, the high pressure process allows jewelry makers to design stunning treasures.
Not surprisingly, the idea of craved or engraved anniversary stones comes from prehistoric Petroglyphs, one of the earliest forms of art and communication. Our modern sayings and words etched into anniversary stones jewelry is an old concept that keeps important love messages close to us as reminders of why we married this person and why we celebrate that love every year.
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