Handbag sales are up in America. The industry brings in revenue that totals about nine billion dollars, and about 77,605 people in the country are employed in the field. This means that there are likely innumerable handbag and purse designs out there for you to consider, including wholesale designer handbags.
In fact, you may find that cheap wholesale designer bags make the most sense for purchase because it is common for a regular handbag from a designer label to cost between $2,500 and $3,000 in America.
When choosing among handbag designs, you want to think beyond the mere aesthetic of the bag and think about functionality as well. Is the bag large enough to carry all the essential items you need? Do you want a bag with smaller compartments as well? In the 1800’s, a woman might typically keep pencils, a comb, smelling salts, a compact mirror and a handkerchief in her handbag. Though the specific items make look slightly different now, the concept is generally the same. Today, about 75% of women have a handbag that they prefer.
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions with regard to wholesale designer handbags, you may share your thoughts in the forum below.