When I was much younger, my grandparents gave me a charm bracelet for one of my birthdays. I loved my charm bracelet. The thing about charm bracelets is that they are individualized for every person. Mine had a locket with my initials on it, a flamingo, a little ruby and a little pearl to represent my birth month, and an ice skate. I wore it everyday and enjoyed people asking about it. Unfortunately, my bracelet did not stand the test of time. After several weeks of wear, the charms started to fall off and the chain was not real gold and began to flake off. It is unfortunate, since I would have liked to been able to keep the bracelet to remember them by.
For older girls and young women, one updated version of the charm bracelet is the pandora charm bracelet. Pandora bracelets are an interesting take on the charm tradition because the charm beads wrap around the bracelet chain, rather than hanging off. This makes them much more durable and it is almost impossible to lose them, unless someone decides to take off the bracelet. Every year Pandora releases new designs so that bracelet owners or gifters can pick and choose from a variety of options. There is everything from interesting and unique designs, to charms for moms to celebrate Mothers Day, to little cats and tiny dogs for pet lovers. The Pandora freehold store is one place you can purchase Pandora charms.
Pandora bracelets are also a good idea because the charms can be given as future gifts as well. Getting a high mark in school, a new birthday, or winning a tennis tournament can all be celebrated by the gift of a charm bead. Like I said, one place to go for pandora bracelets is the pandora freehold NJ store. The Pandora Freehold store can not only direct you to all the current choices in charm bracelets, but they can also direct you to additional products such as necklaces, pendants, rings, and more. What is also nice about the Pandora Freehold store is that if they do not have the designs you want from Pandora, you can get them with no additional cost of shipping added.