Am I Too Young to Worry About Anti-Aging Skin Care?


skinYou’ve probably heard all about anti aging skin care. Obviously, this type of skin care allows for you to “step back in time” with just the application of a cream or gel. However, if you’re only in your 20s, does that mean it’s too early to start worrying about wrinkles and fine lines?

As much as you might not like this answer, you have to hear it. Being only 20 years old doesn’t mean that you’re too young to start thinking about protecting your skin.

Taking care of your skin this early on doesn’t have to consist of laser treatments or cosmetic peels. There are a few easy things you can do on a daily basis to prepare your skin for a bright future. You can start by avoiding smoking and using sun protection regularly. Many doctors will tell you that if you don’t wear sunscreen as much as you should, you’re only going to be making things worse for yourself down the road. If you don’t protect yourself from the rays, you can start to see sunspots as early as your 20s. Although, most people start seeing them in their 30s or 40s.

As for smoking, it has been proven that cigarettes hinder the body’s production of collagen and can lead to wrinkles. If you smoke and neglect to protect your skin from the sun, no amount of anti aging product is going to help you in the future.

If you are in your 20s but are strongly considering trying different anti-aging products, speak with your dermatologist or skin care consultant before doing so. Some products out there are specifically for people in their later years. However, that doesn’t mean that skincare is off the table for you. When working with a skin care consultant, they’ll be able to analyze your skin and recommend the best products for your face. Ultimately, you will be able to find something that works for you, if wearing sunscreen and avoiding smoking doesn’t cut it.

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