We are a society that is in to free things. High school students will fill out an online survey for a prospective college if it means they will get a free t shirt; adults will stand in line at a store opening for a free promotional tote bag, and music fans will be the first to make an online purchase if it means that they will get promotional t shirts or stickers. Some high schools even use free t shirts and a breakfast as an incentive to get students to sign up to take Advanced Placement tests or to recognize students for scoring 30 or higher on the college entrance ACT exam.
Because of America’s obsession with free items, it should come as no surprise that many businesses used items like compressed t shirts and promotional towels to promote their goods and services. Custom compressed t shirts, in fact, are a great way to get potential clients and customers of all ages to pay attention to your product. You gain one set of audience members when you offer these compact and clever compressed t shirts, and when these freebies are soaked in water and later worn they gain a whole new audience in a variety of settings.
Could Your Business Use Compressed T Shirts to Help Promote a New Product or Service?
Whether you decide to use compressed towels, tote bags, or t shirts, there are many advantages to this clever marketing product. First of all, before they are soaked in water, these items take up very little room and are easy to pack and to transport. Additionally, the novelty of a uniquely shaped trinket that can transform into a full size product is enticing. Offering sea shell shaped compressed products to promote a new beachside cafe, for instance, provides the novelty of a fun wearable item while at the same time using the theme of a seashell to remind potential customers of a water side location. Offering a football shaped compressed promotional shirt, on the other hand, allows a new sporting goods store to cleverly present their new location during the fall frenzy of football games.
If you can think of a new business, there is probably a clever promotional item to help you promote your plan. From promotional towels to custom t shirt printing services, marketing companies can often help you create a marketing item that is both clever and unique.
- You can admit it! How many times have you screamed for a free t shirt?
- One statistic that many people can relate to is the fact that 90% of Americans own at least one t shirt they refuse to throw away because of sentimental value.
- Using a popular item like a t shirt as a promotional item can turn your marketing ploy into a frenzy!
- Literally 95% of Americans wear t shirts.
- Owning lots of t shirts is fairly common. In fact, 70% of men and 54% of women in America today own more than 10 t-shirts.
- One way to make sure that people identify your company brand is to design a clever t shirt incorporating that design.
- Kids on college campuses live for free t shirts.
- Giving away a t shirt as a registration gift to the first 100 people to sign up for your new social media site is a sure way to attract instant followers.
- One t shirt can be seen by hundreds of people a day.
- Only the booths that hand out cool promotional items get the attention at large trade shows.
- Dang! That is an awesome shirt! Where can I get one?
- Instead of paying for expensive newspaper advertising, try handing out t shirts at a college campus event.
- Nearly 29 million tons of cotton are produced a year, the same as 29 t-shirts for everyone on Earth.
- Making a statement that lasts can be accomplished by giving a shirt that is worn again and again.
- You know free t shirts are always in style!
- The t shirt industry grew more than 24.2% from 2009 to 2014.
- Shirts make great collector’s items!
- How many times have you stood in a long line for nothing more than a t shirt?
- In a small package, a compressed t shirt is a huge hit!
- Ready to advertise your product on a t shirt?
- Tell your customers you have a free gift!