Why Danner East Ridge Is Making Traction With Its Range Of Versatility

Everyone loves to look nice, even when they decide to bare the elements of the outdoors. But you wouldn’t give up durability to just look nice, right? With the amount of labor America bares alone, simply looking stylish won’t do. The average worker walks around approximately 10,000 steps a day—a construction worker triples that number, with 30,000 steps per day, with nearly 100,000 work-related foot injuries in 2016 according to U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics. You might wonder, how does one combat the dangers of the workplace merely through footwear? But Danner East Ridge does just that. Dinner East Ridge provides the contrast everyone’s looking for, stylish and sleek, but built to last any terrain—from the toughest of jobs to a casual day in the outdoors.

History of Danner East Ridge
Danner East Ridge was originally Danner Shoe Mgf. Company—founded by Charles Danner in 1932 in the midst of the Great Depression, in an old logging town located in Wisconsin, Chippewa