Four Novelty Christmas Gifts Your Family Will Love

Onesies pajamas for adults

When you were a child, the wonder of seeing the Christmas tree full of huge boxes with your name was the greatest feeling in the world. Now, as adults who can buy ourselves whatever we want, our letters to Santa usually just include the words, “gift cards and cash, please.” While getting a stockpile of your favorite gift cards is rad, it definitely takes some of the magic out of opening boxes with your loved ones on Christmas morning.

If you mostly have adults on your Christmas shopping list, here are some fun gifts you can add to their requested gift cards that will bring the merriment of laughter to your whole family. (Or you could just give your loved one these items without the gift card. They’ll forget where their iTunes, Starbucks and Target cards came from, they’ll never forget these gems.)

  1. Adult Pajama Onesies
    Who wouldn’t love a throwback to childhood when everyone got a set of pajamas to sleep in on Christmas Eve? Luckily, there are several companies who make novelty pajama onesie for adults that are identical to the ones we were as preschoolers. Your loved ones will love the comforting feeling of being wrapped in the cocoon of thick, fleece pink onesie pajamas while visions of sugar plums dance in their heads.

    The best part of adult onesie pajamas is their Christmas cheer and versatility. If your sister is a girly girl, she’d love the pink onesie pajamas, if your brother-in-law is a hunter and outdoors’ man, he’d probably also love the pink onesie pajamas. But there are hundreds of prints avalailble; you might find another print that suits his taste better.
  2. Personalized Action Figures
    If your loved one has had great achievements or overcome personal challenges this year, a personalized action figure might be an incredible way to show them that they are your superhero. All it takes is for you to send in a photo of your loved one’s face, and using 3D printing technology, specialty action figure companies can convert it into a toy exactly like you’d find in the toy section, but in your beloved’s likeness. If action figures aren’t their thing, or the message you want to convey is less of “you’re a superhero” and more… comical, how about a personalized bobble head instead?
  3. Recreate the Glory Days
    This is a great way for adult siblings to bring laughter and nostalgia to their parents on Christmas morning. Collect several photos from when you were all babies, and recreate them with your grown-up selves. The more awkward the more amusing the adult photo will be; look for photos where your younger selves are playing dressup, have frosting smeared across your baby face, or better, wearing diapers!
  4. Novelty Stocking Stuffers
    If you want to keep it small, there are tons of small, novelty gifts all over the world wide web that will crack everyone up. You’d have to do your research to find the best gags for your family’s tastes, but a few of our favorites include: The Official Zombie Survival Guide, Spray-on Hair, and Cat Lady Action Figures (five cats included with purchase).

What’s on your Christmas list? Are you getting any novelty gifts for loved ones? Please share in the comment section below! This is a great source for more.

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