You want some new clothes but everyone seems to be wearing the same thing all the time. It’s boring and unoriginal. So, you end up sticking to the same ol’ closet options you have now. Or, maybe you want to buy a special gift for something; something to really capture their personality and interests. I have the answer in three words: custom printed apparel.
Decorated apparel is actually an eight billion dollar industry and growing!
While 95% of Americans wear t-shirts, it’s the perfect gift! How about personalized sports apparel for the baseball crazed father? Giving custom embroidered polo shirts to a few friends could be just the present you were looking for. No one gets offended at a better or worse gift than someone else, yet they are all personalized, thoughtful and best of all, different! A polo shirt can also be called a golf shirt or a tennis shirt to. This type of shirt has a collar and a placket with typically two or three buttons. Sometimes there is also a small breast pocket. It’s a very classy but casual option when trying to decide what to give someone. Many times, companies will hand out custom embroidered polo shirts that display the logo of the business or something of the sort as dress code or advertisement at a function. Trust me, if you give someone a custom t-shirt, they will love it. Nine out of 10 people surveyed in America stated that they have one or more t-shirts that they can not bring themselves to throw away simply because of the sentimental value. No matter how long they own the shirt, it will always have meaning.
Another reason you might be interested in this industry is you can actually design your own hoodies. This is becoming a very popular thing to do these days. Part of the reason is that name brand hoodies can be so expensive but yet are so dime a dozen. Everyone wears the same brand, why not be different? You could start a trend, start a new brand, maybe even start a business designing and selling hoodies of your own.
While custom embroidered polo shirts might be what companies are handing out, what better way to support a friend doing their first 10K or even 5K run but having supportive shirts designed for them to see as they pass you? They’ll probably want to take pictures with you and your shirts at the finish line. These self designed clothes are a great idea even if you ARE the runner! Races such as mud runs, obstacle runs and color runs have grown so quickly in popularity in the past few years. Research states that approximately 2 million people participated in these types of races last year. They’re not just for ‘runners’ which is what makes them so great; anyone can participate. Many people get together teams of people and all wear matching custom designed apparel to promote their cause.
So, you will you be buying your specially designed shirt or hat for this year?