I really screwed up with my girlfriend lately, but I found a way to make things better. It was easy. I just had to communicate with her.
The problem was the fact that she would not listen to me. My, erm, less than desirable transgressions made her less than receptive when I would try to talk to her.
I needed a way to get her to listen, to soften up on me. So I did some hard thinking, and I knew I could not just buy her love back with flowers or candy or jewelery, but then it hit me that what I needed was her attention. So I checked out the summer charms that were in season that year, and the new pandora charms seemed exactly like the kind of thing she would love.
I remembered that she had the new pandora charms 2012 catalogue out a couple weeks or so ago, and when I commented on it, she moaned about not having hte new pandora summer charms 2013 one yet.
So, being the dutiful boyfriend I had suddenly become, I checked out the new summer charms, and, thankfully, found new pandora charms for sale. Even better, they were really, really affordable.
She loved her new pandora charms, I could tell. At first she yelled that she could not be bought off like that, but then, as smoothly as possible,I told her I was just trying to buy her five minutes of her attention. She kind of toed the spot and said I had two, and that she was keeping the new pandora charms.
I am not a jewelry guy, but I personally love the new pandora charms for helping me save my relationship. How does everyone else feel about the new pandora charms? More on this topic: www.pandoratowson.com
That was definitely a smooth move, saying that you were buying her attention and not her affection
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.
Thanks. I have some great friends who have even better advice haha I would not have been able to think about that on my own.