Do you like to change up your look every so often? Or perhaps you’re going to be attending a special event and you want to dial it up. Whatever your reason for wanting to enhance your appearance, you’re in excellent company.
If you’ve ever regretted any of your hair style choices, the good news is that when you visit a premier beauty salon, they will be able to recommend make-up choices, hair color, and styles. From designer hair extensions to a professional Brazilian blowout service, there are so many options available to give you that new look.
A recent survey showed that women in the United States have quite a few excellent reasons for changing their hair style, color, or creating an entirely new look:
- They just wanted a change: 61%
- Because they were bored: 44%
- To feel more confident: 38%
- To reinvent themselves: 25%
- To mark a milestone birthday: 16%
- After giving birth: 15%
You may not be surprised to learn that nearly 1/3 of women choose to change their hair style or color after a divorce or breakup. This can definitely make a difference with feeling more confident and reinventing themselves. A Brazilian blowout service may be the perfect look to return to the dating scene.
When it comes to having their hair colored, 69% of the women surveyed shared that they felt more attractive after doing so. While most women will experiment with a range of 3 different colors, others will change their shade more often and up to 5 times.
If you’re planning to change your style, are you going to consult with your hairdresser before going for it? The survey indicated that 58% of women are planing to go for a different look, while 56% will ask their hairdresser for advice first.
If you’re looking for ideas, have you ever had a layered style? If your hair is currently short, have you thought about growing it out? If you’ve always had long hair down your back, perhaps you’re thinking about shortening it to shoulder length.
According to recent research, when women are between the ages of 13 and 65, they will typically alter their look twice a year. This includes layering, shortening, and/or coloring.
When you make your next appointment at the beauty salon, it’s a good idea to ask your stylist for recommendations. Even though you may have your mind set on a certain style or color, chances are that your stylist will know just the look for you. You may discover that their Brazilian blowout service is exactly what you wanted all along. Read this website for more information.