If you or your fiance is a hunter, then it’s likely you wear a lot of camo hunting clothes. Hats, shirts, boots, purses; it’s not just for hunting anymore — it’s a fashion statement! Camo has become so popular, that just about everything you can imagine in now available in camo patterns: backpacks, lingerie, chairs, sheets, and much, much more.
But did you know that even your big day can be camouflage-themed as well? That’s right: there’s formal camouflage clothing for your wedding day! You can wear a camouflage wedding dress, the men can wear camo vests or suits, and the bridesmaids can wear camouflage wedding dresses. And it’s not only camouflage clothing, there’s all sorts of camo wedding stuff! Everything from camo wedding invitations to camo wedding decorations.
Your wedding doesn’t have to be all camo, either. After all, if it’s an outdoor wedding, you wont even be able to find yourselves in the wedding photos. Camouflage and pink make a great combination, combining the tough outdoorsy-ness with girly-ness. Some brides will put their maids in pink, and wear a camo wedding dress to stand out from the pack.
And if you just want a few small touches of camo, that’s fine too. Your groom can wear a camo-print vest under his suit. You can wrap camouflage ribbon around your bouquet, and decorate the aisle with camo bows. even small touches will be special on your special day, because it’s just another representation of your personality.
If you want a little something different on your wedding day, something that will set you apart from the rest of the pack, and give your wedding guests a memorable experience, consider having a camouflage-themed wedding. There’s no rule that you have to have the traditional white dress. You can incorporate camouflage clothing and decorations, until your wedding really reflects your own personality.